Source code for torchattacks.attacks.pifgsmpp

import torch
import torch.nn.functional as F
import numpy as np

from ..attack import Attack

[docs] class PIFGSMPP(Attack): r""" Patch-wise++ Perturbation for Adversarial Targeted Attacks' [] Distance Measure : Linf Arguments: model (nn.Module): model to attack. max_epsilon (float): maximum size of adversarial perturbation. (Default: 16/255) num_iter_set (float): number of iterations. (Default: 10) momentum (float): momentum. (Default: 1.0) amplification (float): to amplifythe step size. (Default: 10.0) prob (float): probability of using diverse inputs. (Default: 0.7) project_factor (float): To control the weight of project term. (Default: 0.8) Shape: - images: :math:`(N, C, H, W)` where `N = number of batches`, `C = number of channels`, `H = height` and `W = width`. It must have a range [0, 1]. - labels: :math:`(N)` where each value :math:`y_i` is :math:`0 \leq y_i \leq` `number of labels`. - output: :math:`(N, C, H, W)`. Examples:: >>> attack = torchattacks.PIFGSMPP(model, eps=16/255, num_iter_set=10) >>> adv_images = attack(images, labels) """ def __init__( self, model, max_epsilon=16 / 255, num_iter_set=10, momentum=1.0, amplification=10.0, prob=0.7, project_factor=0.8, ): super().__init__("PIFGSMPP", model) self.max_epsilon = max_epsilon self.num_iter_set = num_iter_set self.momentum = momentum self.amplification = amplification self.prob = prob self.project_factor = project_factor self.supported_mode = ["default", "targeted"]
[docs] def forward(self, images, labels): r""" Overridden. """ images = images.clone().detach().to(self.device) labels = labels.clone().detach().to(self.device) images_min = self.clip_by_tensor(images - self.max_epsilon, t_min=0, t_max=1) images_max = self.clip_by_tensor(images + self.max_epsilon, t_min=0, t_max=1) adv_images = self.graph(images, labels, images_min, images_max) return adv_images
def clip_by_tensor(self, t, t_min, t_max): result = (t >= t_min).float() * t + (t < t_min).float() * t_min result = (result <= t_max).float() * result + (result > t_max).float() * t_max return result def project_noise(self, images, P_kern, padding_size): images = F.conv2d( images, P_kern, padding=(padding_size, padding_size), groups=3 ) return images
[docs] def gaussian_kern(self, kernlen=21, nsig=3): """Returns a 2D Gaussian kernel array.""" import scipy.stats as st x = np.linspace(-nsig, nsig, kernlen) kern1d = st.norm.pdf(x) kernel_raw = np.outer(kern1d, kern1d) kernel = kernel_raw / kernel_raw.sum() kernel = kernel.astype(np.float32) stack_kernel = np.stack([kernel, kernel, kernel]).swapaxes(2, 0) stack_kernel = np.expand_dims(stack_kernel, 1) stack_kernel = torch.tensor(stack_kernel).to(self.device) return stack_kernel
def project_kern(self, kern_size): kern = np.ones((kern_size, kern_size), dtype=np.float32) / (kern_size ** 2 - 1) kern[kern_size // 2, kern_size // 2] = 0.0 kern = kern.astype(np.float32) stack_kern = np.stack([kern, kern, kern]) stack_kern = np.expand_dims(stack_kern, 1) stack_kern = torch.tensor(stack_kern).to(self.device) return stack_kern, kern_size // 2 def graph(self, images, labels, images_min, images_max): eps = self.max_epsilon num_iter = self.num_iter_set alpha = eps / num_iter alpha_beta = alpha * self.amplification gamma = alpha_beta * self.project_factor P_kern, padding_size = self.project_kern(3) T_kern = self.gaussian_kern(3, 3) images.requires_grad = True amplification = 0.0 for _ in range(num_iter): # zero_gradients(images) if images.grad is not None: images.grad.detach_() images.grad.zero_() output_v3 = self.get_logits(images) loss = F.cross_entropy(output_v3, labels) loss.backward() noise = noise = F.conv2d( noise, T_kern, padding=(padding_size, padding_size), groups=3 ) amplification += alpha_beta * torch.sign(noise) cut_noise = torch.clamp(abs(amplification) - eps, 0, 10000.0) * torch.sign( amplification ) projection = gamma * torch.sign( self.project_noise(cut_noise, P_kern, padding_size) ) if self.targeted: images = images - alpha_beta * torch.sign(noise) - projection else: images = images + alpha_beta * torch.sign(noise) + projection images = self.clip_by_tensor(images, images_min, images_max) images = images.detach().requires_grad_(True) return images.detach()