Source code for torchattacks.attacks.eadl1

import torch
import torch.nn as nn

from ..attack import Attack

[docs] class EADL1(Attack): r""" EAD attack in the paper 'EAD: Elastic-Net Attacks to Deep Neural Networks' [] Distance Measure : L1 Arguments: model (nn.Module): model to attack. kappa (float): how strong the adversarial example should be (also written as 'confidence'). (Default: 0) lr (float): larger values converge faster to less accurate results. (Default: 0.01) binary_search_steps (int): number of times to adjust the constant with binary search. (Default: 9) max_iterations (int): number of iterations to perform gradient descent. (Default: 100) abort_early (bool): if we stop improving, abort gradient descent early. (Default: True) initial_const (float): the initial constant c to pick as a first guess. (Default: 0.001) beta (float): hyperparameter trading off L2 minimization for L1 minimization. (Default: 0.001) Shape: - images: :math:`(N, C, H, W)` where `N = number of batches`, `C = number of channels`, `H = height` and `W = width`. It must have a range [0, 1]. - labels: :math:`(N)` where each value :math:`y_i` is :math:`0 \leq y_i \leq` `number of labels`. - output: :math:`(N, C, H, W)`. Examples:: >>> attack = torchattacks.EADL1(model, kappa=0, lr=0.01, max_iterations=100) >>> adv_images = attack(images, labels) """ def __init__( self, model, kappa=0, lr=0.01, binary_search_steps=9, max_iterations=100, abort_early=True, initial_const=0.001, beta=0.001, ): super().__init__("EADL1", model) self.kappa = kappa = lr self.binary_search_steps = binary_search_steps self.max_iterations = max_iterations self.abort_early = abort_early self.initial_const = initial_const self.beta = beta # The last iteration (if we run many steps) repeat the search once. self.repeat = binary_search_steps >= 10 self.supported_mode = ["default", "targeted"]
[docs] def forward(self, images, labels): r""" Overridden. """ images = images.clone().detach().to(self.device) labels = labels.clone().detach().to(self.device) if self.targeted: labels = self.get_target_label(images, labels) outputs = self.get_logits(images) batch_size = images.shape[0] lower_bound = torch.zeros(batch_size, device=self.device) const = torch.ones(batch_size, device=self.device) * self.initial_const upper_bound = torch.ones(batch_size, device=self.device) * 1e10 final_adv_images = images.clone() y_one_hot = torch.eye(outputs.shape[1]).to(self.device)[labels] o_bestl1 = [1e10] * batch_size o_bestscore = [-1] * batch_size o_bestl1 = torch.Tensor(o_bestl1).to(self.device) o_bestscore = torch.Tensor(o_bestscore).to(self.device) # Initialization: x^{(0)} = y^{(0)} = x_0 in paper Algorithm 1 part x_k = images.clone().detach() y_k = nn.Parameter(images) # Start binary search for outer_step in range(self.binary_search_steps): self.global_step = 0 bestl1 = [1e10] * batch_size bestscore = [-1] * batch_size bestl1 = torch.Tensor(bestl1).to(self.device) bestscore = torch.Tensor(bestscore).to(self.device) prevloss = 1e6 if self.repeat and outer_step == (self.binary_search_steps - 1): const = upper_bound lr = for iteration in range(self.max_iterations): # reset gradient if y_k.grad is not None: y_k.grad.detach_() y_k.grad.zero_() # Loss over images_parameters with only L2 same as CW # we don't update L1 loss with SGD because we use ISTA output = self.get_logits(y_k) L2_loss = self.L2_loss(y_k, images) cost = self.EAD_loss(output, y_one_hot, None, L2_loss, const) # cost.backward(retain_graph=True) cost.backward() # Gradient step #, self.global_step += 1 with torch.no_grad(): y_k -= y_k.grad * lr # Ploynomial decay of learning rate lr = ( * (1 - self.global_step / self.max_iterations) ** 0.5 ) # nopep8 x_k, y_k = self.FISTA(images, x_k, y_k) # Loss ElasticNet or L1 over x_k with torch.no_grad(): output = self.get_logits(x_k) L2_loss = self.L2_loss(x_k, images) L1_loss = self.L1_loss(x_k, images) loss = self.EAD_loss( output, y_one_hot, L1_loss, L2_loss, const ) # nopep8 # print('loss: {}, prevloss: {}'.format(loss, prevloss)) if ( self.abort_early and iteration % (self.max_iterations // 10) == 0 ): if loss > prevloss * 0.999999: break prevloss = loss # L1 attack key step! cost = L1_loss self.adjust_best_result( x_k, labels, output, cost, bestl1, bestscore, o_bestl1, o_bestscore, final_adv_images, ) self.adjust_constant(labels, bestscore, const, upper_bound, lower_bound) return final_adv_images
def L1_loss(self, x1, x2): Flatten = nn.Flatten() L1_loss = torch.abs(Flatten(x1) - Flatten(x2)).sum(dim=1) # L1_loss = L1.sum() return L1_loss def L2_loss(self, x1, x2): MSELoss = nn.MSELoss(reduction="none") Flatten = nn.Flatten() L2_loss = MSELoss(Flatten(x1), Flatten(x2)).sum(dim=1) # L2_loss = L2.sum() return L2_loss def EAD_loss(self, output, one_hot_labels, L1_loss, L2_loss, const): # Not same as CW's f function other = torch.max( (1 - one_hot_labels) * output - (one_hot_labels * 1e4), dim=1 )[0] real = torch.max(one_hot_labels * output, dim=1)[0] if self.targeted: F_loss = torch.clamp((other - real), min=-self.kappa) else: F_loss = torch.clamp((real - other), min=-self.kappa) if isinstance(L1_loss, type(None)): loss = torch.sum(const * F_loss) + torch.sum(L2_loss) else: loss = ( torch.sum(const * F_loss) + torch.sum(L2_loss) + torch.sum(self.beta * L1_loss) ) return loss def FISTA(self, images, x_k, y_k): zt = self.global_step / (self.global_step + 3) upper = torch.clamp(y_k - self.beta, max=1) lower = torch.clamp(y_k + self.beta, min=0) diff = y_k - images cond1 = (diff > self.beta).float() cond2 = (torch.abs(diff) <= self.beta).float() cond3 = (diff < -self.beta).float() new_x_k = (cond1 * upper) + (cond2 * images) + (cond3 * lower) = new_x_k + (zt * (new_x_k - x_k)) return new_x_k, y_k def compare(self, output, labels): if len(output.shape) >= 2: # output is tensor output = output.clone().detach() if self.targeted: output[:, labels] -= self.kappa else: output[:, labels] += self.kappa output = torch.argmax(output, 1) else: # output is int or float pass if self.targeted: return output == labels else: return output != labels def adjust_best_result( self, adv_img, labels, output, cost, bestl1, bestscore, o_bestl1, o_bestscore, final_adv_images, ): output_label = torch.argmax(output, 1).float() mask = (cost < bestl1) &, labels) bestl1[mask] = cost[mask] bestscore[mask] = output_label[mask] mask = (cost < o_bestl1) &, labels) o_bestl1[mask] = cost[mask] o_bestscore[mask] = output_label[mask] final_adv_images[mask] = adv_img[mask] def adjust_constant(self, labels, bestscore, const, upper_bound, lower_bound): mask = (, labels)) & (bestscore != -1) upper_bound[mask] = torch.min(upper_bound[mask], const[mask]) lower_bound[~mask] = torch.max(lower_bound[~mask], const[~mask]) # nopep8 mask = upper_bound < 1e9 const[mask] = (lower_bound[mask] + upper_bound[mask]) / 2 const[~mask] = const[~mask] * 10