Source code for torchattacks.attacks.fab

from __future__ import absolute_import
from __future__ import division
from __future__ import print_function
from __future__ import unicode_literals

import time
import math

import torch
import torch.nn.functional as F

# zero_gradients deprecated in torch >= 1.9.
# zero_gradients is re-defined in the bottom of the code.
# from torch.autograd.gradcheck import zero_gradients
from collections import abc as container_abcs

from ..attack import Attack

[docs] class FAB(Attack): r""" Fast Adaptive Boundary Attack in the paper 'Minimally distorted Adversarial Examples with a Fast Adaptive Boundary Attack' [] [] Distance Measure : Linf, L2, L1 Arguments: model (nn.Module): model to attack. norm (str) : Lp-norm to minimize. ['Linf', 'L2', 'L1'] (Default: 'Linf') eps (float): maximum perturbation. (Default: 8/255) steps (int): number of steps. (Default: 10) n_restarts (int): number of random restarts. (Default: 1) alpha_max (float): alpha_max. (Default: 0.1) eta (float): overshooting. (Default: 1.05) beta (float): backward step. (Default: 0.9) verbose (bool): print progress. (Default: False) seed (int): random seed for the starting point. (Default: 0) targeted (bool): targeted attack for every wrong classes. (Default: False) n_classes (int): number of classes. (Default: 10) Shape: - images: :math:`(N, C, H, W)` where `N = number of batches`, `C = number of channels`, `H = height` and `W = width`. It must have a range [0, 1]. - labels: :math:`(N)` where each value :math:`y_i` is :math:`0 \leq y_i \leq` `number of labels`. - output: :math:`(N, C, H, W)`. Examples:: >>> attack = torchattacks.FAB(model, norm='Linf', steps=10, eps=8/255, n_restarts=1, alpha_max=0.1, eta=1.05, beta=0.9, loss_fn=None, verbose=False, seed=0, targeted=False, n_classes=10) >>> adv_images = attack(images, labels) """ def __init__( self, model, norm="Linf", eps=8 / 255, steps=10, n_restarts=1, alpha_max=0.1, eta=1.05, beta=0.9, verbose=False, seed=0, multi_targeted=False, n_classes=10, ): super().__init__("FAB", model) self.norm = norm self.n_restarts = n_restarts Default_EPS_DICT_BY_NORM = {"Linf": 0.3, "L2": 1.0, "L1": 5.0} self.eps = eps if eps is not None else Default_EPS_DICT_BY_NORM[norm] self.alpha_max = alpha_max self.eta = eta self.beta = beta self.steps = steps self.verbose = verbose self.seed = seed self.target_class = None self.multi_targeted = multi_targeted self.n_target_classes = n_classes - 1 self.supported_mode = ["default", "targeted"]
[docs] def forward(self, images, labels): r""" Overridden. """ images = images.clone().detach().to(self.device) labels = labels.clone().detach().to(self.device) adv_images = self.perturb(images, labels) return adv_images
def _get_predicted_label(self, x): with torch.no_grad(): outputs = self.get_logits(x) _, y = torch.max(outputs, dim=1) return y def check_shape(self, x): return x if len(x.shape) > 0 else x.unsqueeze(0) def get_diff_logits_grads_batch(self, imgs, la): im = imgs.clone().requires_grad_() with torch.enable_grad(): y = self.get_logits(im) g2 = torch.zeros([y.shape[-1], *imgs.size()]).to(self.device) grad_mask = torch.zeros_like(y) for counter in range(y.shape[-1]): zero_gradients(im) grad_mask[:, counter] = 1.0 y.backward(grad_mask, retain_graph=True) grad_mask[:, counter] = 0.0 g2[counter] = g2 = torch.transpose(g2, 0, 1).detach() # y2 = self.get_logits(imgs).detach() y2 = y.detach() df = y2 - y2[torch.arange(imgs.shape[0]), la].unsqueeze(1) dg = g2 - g2[torch.arange(imgs.shape[0]), la].unsqueeze(1) df[torch.arange(imgs.shape[0]), la] = 1e10 return df, dg def get_diff_logits_grads_batch_targeted(self, imgs, la, la_target): u = torch.arange(imgs.shape[0]) im = imgs.clone().requires_grad_() with torch.enable_grad(): y = self.get_logits(im) diffy = -(y[u, la] - y[u, la_target]) sumdiffy = diffy.sum() zero_gradients(im) sumdiffy.backward() graddiffy = df = diffy.detach().unsqueeze(1) dg = graddiffy.unsqueeze(1) return df, dg
[docs] def attack_single_run(self, x, y=None, use_rand_start=False): """ :param x: clean images :param y: clean labels, if None we use the predicted labels """ # self.device = x.device self.orig_dim = list(x.shape[1:]) self.ndims = len(self.orig_dim) x = x.detach().clone().float().to(self.device) # assert next(self.model.parameters()).device == x.device y_pred = self._get_predicted_label(x) if y is None: y = y_pred.detach().clone().long().to(self.device) else: y = y.detach().clone().long().to(self.device) pred = y_pred == y corr_classified = pred.float().sum() if self.verbose: print("Clean accuracy: {:.2%}".format(pred.float().mean())) if pred.sum() == 0: return x pred = self.check_shape(pred.nonzero().squeeze()) startt = time.time() # runs the attack only on correctly classified points im2 = x[pred].detach().clone() la2 = y[pred].detach().clone() if len(im2.shape) == self.ndims: im2 = im2.unsqueeze(0) bs = im2.shape[0] u1 = torch.arange(bs) adv = im2.clone() adv_c = x.clone() res2 = 1e10 * torch.ones([bs]).to(self.device) res_c = torch.zeros([x.shape[0]]).to(self.device) x1 = im2.clone() x0 = im2.clone().reshape([bs, -1]) counter_restarts = 0 while counter_restarts < 1: if use_rand_start: if self.norm == "Linf": t = 2 * torch.rand(x1.shape).to(self.device) - 1 x1 = ( im2 + ( torch.min( res2, self.eps * torch.ones(res2.shape).to(self.device) ).reshape([-1, *[1] * self.ndims]) ) * t / ( t.reshape([t.shape[0], -1]) .abs() .max(dim=1, keepdim=True)[0] .reshape([-1, *[1] * self.ndims]) ) * 0.5 ) elif self.norm == "L2": t = torch.randn(x1.shape).to(self.device) x1 = ( im2 + ( torch.min( res2, self.eps * torch.ones(res2.shape).to(self.device) ).reshape([-1, *[1] * self.ndims]) ) * t / ( (t ** 2) .view(t.shape[0], -1) .sum(dim=-1) .sqrt() .view(t.shape[0], *[1] * self.ndims) ) * 0.5 ) elif self.norm == "L1": t = torch.randn(x1.shape).to(self.device) x1 = ( im2 + ( torch.min( res2, self.eps * torch.ones(res2.shape).to(self.device) ).reshape([-1, *[1] * self.ndims]) ) * t / ( t.abs() .view(t.shape[0], -1) .sum(dim=-1) .view(t.shape[0], *[1] * self.ndims) ) / 2 ) x1 = x1.clamp(0.0, 1.0) counter_iter = 0 while counter_iter < self.steps: with torch.no_grad(): df, dg = self.get_diff_logits_grads_batch(x1, la2) if self.norm == "Linf": dist1 = df.abs() / ( 1e-12 + dg.abs().view(dg.shape[0], dg.shape[1], -1).sum(dim=-1) ) elif self.norm == "L2": dist1 = df.abs() / ( 1e-12 + (dg ** 2) .view(dg.shape[0], dg.shape[1], -1) .sum(dim=-1) .sqrt() ) elif self.norm == "L1": dist1 = df.abs() / ( 1e-12 + dg.abs() .reshape([df.shape[0], df.shape[1], -1]) .max(dim=2)[0] ) else: raise ValueError("norm not supported") ind = dist1.min(dim=1)[1] dg2 = dg[u1, ind] b = -df[u1, ind] + (dg2 * x1).view(x1.shape[0], -1).sum(dim=-1) w = dg2.reshape([bs, -1]) if self.norm == "Linf": d3 = projection_linf([bs, -1]), x0), 0),, w), 0),, b), 0), ) elif self.norm == "L2": d3 = projection_l2([bs, -1]), x0), 0),, w), 0),, b), 0), ) elif self.norm == "L1": d3 = projection_l1([bs, -1]), x0), 0),, w), 0),, b), 0), ) d1 = torch.reshape(d3[:bs], x1.shape) d2 = torch.reshape(d3[-bs:], x1.shape) if self.norm == "Linf": a0 = ( d3.abs() .max(dim=1, keepdim=True)[0] .view(-1, *[1] * self.ndims) ) elif self.norm == "L2": a0 = ( (d3 ** 2) .sum(dim=1, keepdim=True) .sqrt() .view(-1, *[1] * self.ndims) ) elif self.norm == "L1": a0 = ( d3.abs() .sum(dim=1, keepdim=True) .view(-1, *[1] * self.ndims) ) a0 = torch.max(a0, 1e-8 * torch.ones(a0.shape).to(self.device)) a1 = a0[:bs] a2 = a0[-bs:] alpha = torch.min( torch.max( a1 / (a1 + a2), torch.zeros(a1.shape).to(self.device) ), self.alpha_max * torch.ones(a1.shape).to(self.device), ) x1 = ( (x1 + self.eta * d1) * (1 - alpha) + (im2 + d2 * self.eta) * alpha ).clamp(0.0, 1.0) is_adv = self._get_predicted_label(x1) != la2 if is_adv.sum() > 0: ind_adv = is_adv.nonzero().squeeze() ind_adv = self.check_shape(ind_adv) if self.norm == "Linf": t = ( (x1[ind_adv] - im2[ind_adv]) .reshape([ind_adv.shape[0], -1]) .abs() .max(dim=1)[0] ) elif self.norm == "L2": t = ( ((x1[ind_adv] - im2[ind_adv]) ** 2) .view(ind_adv.shape[0], -1) .sum(dim=-1) .sqrt() ) elif self.norm == "L1": t = ( (x1[ind_adv] - im2[ind_adv]) .abs() .view(ind_adv.shape[0], -1) .sum(dim=-1) ) adv[ind_adv] = x1[ind_adv] * ( t < res2[ind_adv] ).float().reshape([-1, *[1] * self.ndims]) + adv[ind_adv] * ( t >= res2[ind_adv] ).float().reshape( [-1, *[1] * self.ndims] ) res2[ind_adv] = ( t * (t < res2[ind_adv]).float() + res2[ind_adv] * (t >= res2[ind_adv]).float() ) x1[ind_adv] = ( im2[ind_adv] + (x1[ind_adv] - im2[ind_adv]) * self.beta ) counter_iter += 1 counter_restarts += 1 ind_succ = res2 < 1e10 if self.verbose: print( "success rate: {:.0f}/{:.0f}".format( ind_succ.float().sum(), corr_classified ) + " (on correctly classified points) in {:.1f} s".format( time.time() - startt ) ) res_c[pred] = res2 * ind_succ.float() + 1e10 * (1 - ind_succ.float()) ind_succ = self.check_shape(ind_succ.nonzero().squeeze()) adv_c[pred[ind_succ]] = adv[ind_succ].clone() return adv_c
[docs] def attack_single_run_targeted(self, x, y=None, use_rand_start=False): """ :param x: clean images :param y: clean labels, if None we use the predicted labels """ if self.device is None: self.device = x.device self.orig_dim = list(x.shape[1:]) self.ndims = len(self.orig_dim) x = x.detach().clone().float().to(self.device) # assert next(self.model.parameters()).device == x.device y_pred = self._get_predicted_label(x) if y is None: y = y_pred.detach().clone().long().to(self.device) else: y = y.detach().clone().long().to(self.device) pred = y_pred == y corr_classified = pred.float().sum() if self.verbose: print("Clean accuracy: {:.2%}".format(pred.float().mean())) if pred.sum() == 0: return x pred = self.check_shape(pred.nonzero().squeeze()) output = self.get_logits(x) if self.multi_targeted: la_target = output.sort(dim=-1)[1][:, -self.target_class] else: la_target = self.target_class startt = time.time() # runs the attack only on correctly classified points im2 = x[pred].detach().clone() la2 = y[pred].detach().clone() la_target2 = la_target[pred].detach().clone() if len(im2.shape) == self.ndims: im2 = im2.unsqueeze(0) bs = im2.shape[0] u1 = torch.arange(bs) adv = im2.clone() adv_c = x.clone() res2 = 1e10 * torch.ones([bs]).to(self.device) res_c = torch.zeros([x.shape[0]]).to(self.device) x1 = im2.clone() x0 = im2.clone().reshape([bs, -1]) counter_restarts = 0 while counter_restarts < 1: if use_rand_start: if self.norm == "Linf": t = 2 * torch.rand(x1.shape).to(self.device) - 1 x1 = ( im2 + ( torch.min( res2, self.eps * torch.ones(res2.shape).to(self.device) ).reshape([-1, *[1] * self.ndims]) ) * t / ( t.reshape([t.shape[0], -1]) .abs() .max(dim=1, keepdim=True)[0] .reshape([-1, *[1] * self.ndims]) ) * 0.5 ) elif self.norm == "L2": t = torch.randn(x1.shape).to(self.device) x1 = ( im2 + ( torch.min( res2, self.eps * torch.ones(res2.shape).to(self.device) ).reshape([-1, *[1] * self.ndims]) ) * t / ( (t ** 2) .view(t.shape[0], -1) .sum(dim=-1) .sqrt() .view(t.shape[0], *[1] * self.ndims) ) * 0.5 ) elif self.norm == "L1": t = torch.randn(x1.shape).to(self.device) x1 = ( im2 + ( torch.min( res2, self.eps * torch.ones(res2.shape).to(self.device) ).reshape([-1, *[1] * self.ndims]) ) * t / ( t.abs() .view(t.shape[0], -1) .sum(dim=-1) .view(t.shape[0], *[1] * self.ndims) ) / 2 ) x1 = x1.clamp(0.0, 1.0) counter_iter = 0 while counter_iter < self.steps: with torch.no_grad(): df, dg = self.get_diff_logits_grads_batch_targeted( x1, la2, la_target2 ) if self.norm == "Linf": dist1 = df.abs() / ( 1e-12 + dg.abs().view(dg.shape[0], dg.shape[1], -1).sum(dim=-1) ) elif self.norm == "L2": dist1 = df.abs() / ( 1e-12 + (dg ** 2) .view(dg.shape[0], dg.shape[1], -1) .sum(dim=-1) .sqrt() ) elif self.norm == "L1": dist1 = df.abs() / ( 1e-12 + dg.abs() .reshape([df.shape[0], df.shape[1], -1]) .max(dim=2)[0] ) else: raise ValueError("norm not supported") ind = dist1.min(dim=1)[1] dg2 = dg[u1, ind] b = -df[u1, ind] + (dg2 * x1).view(x1.shape[0], -1).sum(dim=-1) w = dg2.reshape([bs, -1]) if self.norm == "Linf": d3 = projection_linf([bs, -1]), x0), 0),, w), 0),, b), 0), ) elif self.norm == "L2": d3 = projection_l2([bs, -1]), x0), 0),, w), 0),, b), 0), ) elif self.norm == "L1": d3 = projection_l1([bs, -1]), x0), 0),, w), 0),, b), 0), ) d1 = torch.reshape(d3[:bs], x1.shape) d2 = torch.reshape(d3[-bs:], x1.shape) if self.norm == "Linf": a0 = ( d3.abs() .max(dim=1, keepdim=True)[0] .view(-1, *[1] * self.ndims) ) elif self.norm == "L2": a0 = ( (d3 ** 2) .sum(dim=1, keepdim=True) .sqrt() .view(-1, *[1] * self.ndims) ) elif self.norm == "L1": a0 = ( d3.abs() .sum(dim=1, keepdim=True) .view(-1, *[1] * self.ndims) ) a0 = torch.max(a0, 1e-8 * torch.ones(a0.shape).to(self.device)) a1 = a0[:bs] a2 = a0[-bs:] alpha = torch.min( torch.max( a1 / (a1 + a2), torch.zeros(a1.shape).to(self.device) ), self.alpha_max * torch.ones(a1.shape).to(self.device), ) x1 = ( (x1 + self.eta * d1) * (1 - alpha) + (im2 + d2 * self.eta) * alpha ).clamp(0.0, 1.0) is_adv = self._get_predicted_label(x1) != la2 if is_adv.sum() > 0: ind_adv = is_adv.nonzero().squeeze() ind_adv = self.check_shape(ind_adv) if self.norm == "Linf": t = ( (x1[ind_adv] - im2[ind_adv]) .reshape([ind_adv.shape[0], -1]) .abs() .max(dim=1)[0] ) elif self.norm == "L2": t = ( ((x1[ind_adv] - im2[ind_adv]) ** 2) .view(ind_adv.shape[0], -1) .sum(dim=-1) .sqrt() ) elif self.norm == "L1": t = ( (x1[ind_adv] - im2[ind_adv]) .abs() .view(ind_adv.shape[0], -1) .sum(dim=-1) ) adv[ind_adv] = x1[ind_adv] * ( t < res2[ind_adv] ).float().reshape([-1, *[1] * self.ndims]) + adv[ind_adv] * ( t >= res2[ind_adv] ).float().reshape( [-1, *[1] * self.ndims] ) res2[ind_adv] = ( t * (t < res2[ind_adv]).float() + res2[ind_adv] * (t >= res2[ind_adv]).float() ) x1[ind_adv] = ( im2[ind_adv] + (x1[ind_adv] - im2[ind_adv]) * self.beta ) counter_iter += 1 counter_restarts += 1 ind_succ = res2 < 1e10 if self.verbose: print( "success rate: {:.0f}/{:.0f}".format( ind_succ.float().sum(), corr_classified ) + " (on correctly classified points) in {:.1f} s".format( time.time() - startt ) ) res_c[pred] = res2 * ind_succ.float() + 1e10 * (1 - ind_succ.float()) ind_succ = self.check_shape(ind_succ.nonzero().squeeze()) adv_c[pred[ind_succ]] = adv[ind_succ].clone() return adv_c
def perturb(self, x, y): adv = x.clone() with torch.no_grad(): acc = self.get_logits(x).max(1)[1] == y startt = time.time() torch.random.manual_seed(self.seed) torch.cuda.random.manual_seed(self.seed) def inner_perturb(targeted): for counter in range(self.n_restarts): ind_to_fool = acc.nonzero().squeeze() if len(ind_to_fool.shape) == 0: ind_to_fool = ind_to_fool.unsqueeze(0) if ind_to_fool.numel() != 0: x_to_fool, y_to_fool = ( x[ind_to_fool].clone(), y[ind_to_fool].clone(), ) # nopep8 if targeted: adv_curr = self.attack_single_run_targeted( x_to_fool, y_to_fool, use_rand_start=(counter > 0) ) else: adv_curr = self.attack_single_run( x_to_fool, y_to_fool, use_rand_start=(counter > 0) ) acc_curr = self.get_logits(adv_curr).max(1)[1] == y_to_fool if self.norm == "Linf": res = ( (x_to_fool - adv_curr) .abs() .view(x_to_fool.shape[0], -1) .max(1)[0] ) # nopep8 elif self.norm == "L2": res = ( ((x_to_fool - adv_curr) ** 2) .view(x_to_fool.shape[0], -1) .sum(dim=-1) .sqrt() ) # nopep8 acc_curr = torch.max(acc_curr, res > self.eps) ind_curr = (acc_curr == 0).nonzero().squeeze() acc[ind_to_fool[ind_curr]] = 0 adv[ind_to_fool[ind_curr]] = adv_curr[ind_curr].clone() if self.verbose: if targeted: print( "restart {} - target_class {} - robust accuracy: {:.2%} at eps = {:.5f} - cum. time: {:.1f} s".format( counter, self.target_class, acc.float().mean(), self.eps, time.time() - startt, ) ) else: print( "restart {} - robust accuracy: {:.2%} at eps = {:.5f} - cum. time: {:.1f} s".format( counter, acc.float().mean(), self.eps, time.time() - startt, ) ) if self.multi_targeted: for target_class in range(2, self.n_target_classes + 2): self.target_class = target_class inner_perturb(targeted=True) elif self.targeted: self.target_class = self.get_target_label(x, y) inner_perturb(targeted=True) else: inner_perturb(targeted=False) return adv
def projection_linf(points_to_project, w_hyperplane, b_hyperplane): device = points_to_project.device t, w, b = points_to_project, w_hyperplane.clone(), b_hyperplane.clone() sign = 2 * ((w * t).sum(1) - b >= 0) - 1 w.mul_(sign.unsqueeze(1)) b.mul_(sign) a = (w < 0).float() d = (a - t) * (w != 0).float() p = a - t * (2 * a - 1) indp = torch.argsort(p, dim=1) b = b - (w * t).sum(1) b0 = (w * d).sum(1) indp2 = indp.flip((1,)) ws = w.gather(1, indp2) bs2 = -ws * d.gather(1, indp2) s = torch.cumsum(ws.abs(), dim=1) sb = torch.cumsum(bs2, dim=1) + b0.unsqueeze(1) b2 = sb[:, -1] - s[:, -1] * p.gather(1, indp[:, 0:1]).squeeze(1) c_l = b - b2 > 0 c2 = (b - b0 > 0) & (~c_l) lb = torch.zeros(c2.sum(), device=device) ub = torch.full_like(lb, w.shape[1] - 1) nitermax = math.ceil(math.log2(w.shape[1])) indp_, sb_, s_, p_, b_ = indp[c2], sb[c2], s[c2], p[c2], b[c2] for counter in range(nitermax): counter4 = torch.floor((lb + ub) / 2) counter2 = counter4.long().unsqueeze(1) indcurr = indp_.gather(1, indp_.size(1) - 1 - counter2) b2 = ( sb_.gather(1, counter2) - s_.gather(1, counter2) * p_.gather(1, indcurr) ).squeeze( 1 ) # nopep8 c = b_ - b2 > 0 lb = torch.where(c, counter4, lb) ub = torch.where(c, ub, counter4) lb = lb.long() if c_l.any(): lmbd_opt = torch.clamp_min( (b[c_l] - sb[c_l, -1]) / (-s[c_l, -1]), min=0 ).unsqueeze(-1) d[c_l] = (2 * a[c_l] - 1) * lmbd_opt lmbd_opt = torch.clamp_min((b[c2] - sb[c2, lb]) / (-s[c2, lb]), min=0).unsqueeze(-1) d[c2] = torch.min(lmbd_opt, d[c2]) * a[c2] + torch.max(-lmbd_opt, d[c2]) * ( 1 - a[c2] ) return d * (w != 0).float() def projection_l2(points_to_project, w_hyperplane, b_hyperplane): device = points_to_project.device t, w, b = points_to_project, w_hyperplane.clone(), b_hyperplane c = (w * t).sum(1) - b ind2 = 2 * (c >= 0) - 1 w.mul_(ind2.unsqueeze(1)) c.mul_(ind2) r = torch.max(t / w, (t - 1) / w).clamp(min=-1e12, max=1e12) r.masked_fill_(w.abs() < 1e-8, 1e12) r[r == -1e12] *= -1 rs, indr = torch.sort(r, dim=1) rs2 = F.pad(rs[:, 1:], (0, 1)) rs.masked_fill_(rs == 1e12, 0) rs2.masked_fill_(rs2 == 1e12, 0) w3s = (w ** 2).gather(1, indr) w5 = w3s.sum(dim=1, keepdim=True) ws = w5 - torch.cumsum(w3s, dim=1) d = -(r * w) d.mul_((w.abs() > 1e-8).float()) s = (-w5 * rs[:, 0:1], torch.cumsum((-rs2 + rs) * ws, dim=1) - w5 * rs[:, 0:1]), 1 ) c4 = s[:, 0] + c < 0 c3 = (d * w).sum(dim=1) + c > 0 c2 = ~(c4 | c3) lb = torch.zeros(c2.sum(), device=device) ub = torch.full_like(lb, w.shape[1] - 1) nitermax = math.ceil(math.log2(w.shape[1])) s_, c_ = s[c2], c[c2] for counter in range(nitermax): counter4 = torch.floor((lb + ub) / 2) counter2 = counter4.long().unsqueeze(1) c3 = s_.gather(1, counter2).squeeze(1) + c_ > 0 lb = torch.where(c3, counter4, lb) ub = torch.where(c3, ub, counter4) lb = lb.long() if c4.any(): alpha = c[c4] / w5[c4].squeeze(-1) d[c4] = -alpha.unsqueeze(-1) * w[c4] if c2.any(): alpha = (s[c2, lb] + c[c2]) / ws[c2, lb] + rs[c2, lb] alpha[ws[c2, lb] == 0] = 0 c5 = (alpha.unsqueeze(-1) > r[c2]).float() d[c2] = d[c2] * c5 - alpha.unsqueeze(-1) * w[c2] * (1 - c5) return d * (w.abs() > 1e-8).float() def projection_l1(points_to_project, w_hyperplane, b_hyperplane): device = points_to_project.device t, w, b = points_to_project, w_hyperplane.clone(), b_hyperplane c = (w * t).sum(1) - b ind2 = 2 * (c >= 0) - 1 w.mul_(ind2.unsqueeze(1)) c.mul_(ind2) r = (1 / w).abs().clamp_max(1e12) indr = torch.argsort(r, dim=1) indr_rev = torch.argsort(indr) c6 = (w < 0).float() d = (-t + c6) * (w != 0).float() ds = torch.min(-w * t, w * (1 - t)).gather(1, indr) ds2 =, ds), 1) s = torch.cumsum(ds2, dim=1) c2 = s[:, -1] < 0 lb = torch.zeros(c2.sum(), device=device) ub = torch.full_like(lb, s.shape[1]) nitermax = math.ceil(math.log2(w.shape[1])) s_ = s[c2] for counter in range(nitermax): counter4 = torch.floor((lb + ub) / 2) counter2 = counter4.long().unsqueeze(1) c3 = s_.gather(1, counter2).squeeze(1) > 0 lb = torch.where(c3, counter4, lb) ub = torch.where(c3, ub, counter4) lb2 = lb.long() if c2.any(): indr = indr[c2].gather(1, lb2.unsqueeze(1)).squeeze(1) u = torch.arange(0, w.shape[0], device=device).unsqueeze(1) u2 = torch.arange(0, w.shape[1], device=device, dtype=torch.float).unsqueeze(0) alpha = -s[c2, lb2] / w[c2, indr] c5 = u2 < lb.unsqueeze(-1) u3 = c5[u[: c5.shape[0]], indr_rev[c2]] d[c2] = d[c2] * u3.float() d[c2, indr] = alpha return d * (w.abs() > 1e-8).float() def zero_gradients(x): if isinstance(x, torch.Tensor): if x.grad is not None: x.grad.detach_() x.grad.zero_() elif isinstance(x, container_abcs.Iterable): for elem in x: zero_gradients(elem)